Friday, April 16, 2010

Blowin' In The Wind...

Did anyone ever think that all or any of the improprieties that have occurred at the Gilmer County Bank would have ever seen the light of day? Most of us cynically thought that all the shady deals and unethical practices would have simply melted into our conscious as the way that things are done here in Gilmer County. Well, finally, enough of the right people have seen the smoke and some of the banking perpetrators are being held accountable.
Maybe not all of them, but justice will eventually seek out those who are guilty. Someday.

But - don’t fool yourselves into thinking that just because the bank has been sold that it stops there. Far from it. Maybe now the bank will be able to continue operating under the financial umbrella of another stronger institution, but that does not negate the crimes that were committed. A lot of people lost a lot of money. The bank was sold to the current owners from North Carolina for just pennies on the dollar. If you owned any stock in Gilmer County Bank, you saw your value deflated to absurd levels.

It is tragic to think that these criminals do what they do and still sleep at night. They have no conscience. I suppose it falls to the lot of the common people of integrity to hold those bastards accountable. At least attempt to.
So, who comes out the winner here? Well, certainly a few local developers come to mind. Another few former bank officers made out like the bandits that they are. The investigation still continues.

I am just glad that those who spoke out and spoke up about all the goings-on didn’t become dissuaded by all the naysayers who said that it couldn’t be done. All the folks who were willing to turn a cynical “blind eye” and even discourage those who were trying to make a difference are now the first to march in the victory parade.

This kinda reminds me of a similar situation with citizen groups such as the Gilmer Citizens For Fair and Open Government who are trying to make a difference in our county.

There are many out there who say it can’t be done. Some who say it is a waste of time. Others who say the “good ole’ boy” system is too established, too strong. Those who say you’re “blowin in the wind.”

I refuse to believe that.
I refuse to believe the distractors who say change won't happen.
I believe that even one voice can make a difference, but that many can move mountains.

I refuse to live in a county with this type of political atmosphere, and I am not going anywhere.
Who will stand with us?


Friday, January 29, 2010

Change Gonna Come...........

Well, the Citizens for Fair and Open Government has had another enlightening meeting last Wednesday evening over at the Bobcat den. Chairmen Michael Mull and Dale Sparks began with an updated report on their meeting with Tax Assessors board members Jeff Holloway accompanied by the ever-faithful Billy Masters.

Mr. Sparks opened the meeting by welcoming all present and thanking everybody for their continued support. Mr. Sparks said that as a matter of “doing the right thing”, that both he and Mr. Mull met with Mr. Jeff Holloway and Billy Masters in an effort to give them the opportunity “to correct the improprieties” that existed within the department over which they had control. “Before they continued forward with a petition for the removal of the Chairman, it was only prudent to give the board an opportunity to make a change” as Mr. Sparks related.

Mr. Sparks then shared in detail, the discussion that took place during their meeting with Mr. Holloway. Several items were discussed including how to improve the public image of the Tax Assessors’ department. Employee attitude became the focus of the discussion at that point according to Mr. Sparks, and he stated that Mr. Holloway seemed receptive to most suggestions.
Other issues that Mr. Sparks said were discussed with Mr. Holloway were the need to cut employee numbers in his office and the growing public outcry over the exhorbant salaries of the Chief Assessor and the Assessors’ assistant. Mr. Sparks said the he also pointed out to Mr. Holloway the fact that he hired an un-qualified person for the position of Chief Assessor in clear violation of GA code. Mr. Mull even showed Mr. Holloway the code book and section that was violated. According to Mr. Sparks, Mr. Holloway gave an evasive reply but promised to “look into the situation”.
Michael Mull was next to speak and went further into detailing the meeting with Mr. Holloway and Billy Masters. Mr. Mull related that assessment equality or “equalization” is imperative if we are to make all county property assessments fair. He went further to explain how that If one person is “favored” in a group and has their tax burden lowered, then the others must “pick up the slack” and pay for the reduction in the payment of the "favored few." As Mr. Mull related, “there are many favored developers, government officials, and other people of local influence” who have had their taxes un-fairly lowered at the expense of others.

Regarding their meeting with Mr. Holloway and Mr. Masters, both Mr. Sparks and Mr. Mull said that they left the meeting “cautiously optimistic” that their issues were received well by the representatives of the Tax Assessors Board, “but the next coming weeks would tell”.

The floor was then opened for questions and/or public comments. Several citizens spoke out about their experiences with the Tax Assessors’ office, but one in particular stood out. A young lady was outraged by the fact that she pays more property tax on her small five acre tract than a prominent local car dealer pays for his 20 acre estate with a large mansion that adjoins hers.
Yeah….. change gonna come…… oh yes it is……..