Friday, December 4, 2009

First Citizens Group Meeting Considered A Success

Tuesday December 1st saw the first meeting of the Citizens For Fair and Open Government Group.

While this group wants to tackle all phases of Gilmer County Government and the Gilmer County School Board, Tuesdays discussion revolved around the Gilmer Tax Assessors Office and the way they are conducting business.

Several citizens got up and either made comments or ask questions.

Most of the comments were from citizens just wanting to thank the organizers for trying to form a group to help all citizens learn how to fight not only their assessments but what can be done to try and bring Gilmer’s county government into proper spending practices and not the wasteful spending that is prevalent today.

They are planning a couple of more meetings and several citizens have offered to help. Information is being compiled as we speak and the next meeting should clarify the direction this group wants to go.

If you want to help please call them or email to:

F. Dale Sparks @ 706-972-0004 or

Michael Mull @ 706-669-8881 or

Another group trying to get the word out is the Gilmer Tea Party. Jack Smith chairs them and he can be reached at 706-635-3831.

Everywhere I go people ask me “Where can I go? What can I do? Who can help me?”

Those questions are now answered. All you have to do now is get involved.


  1. At least somebody is excersising their right to dissent. I hope you folks don't loose your drive and become cynical like most of the rest of us. I know that whatever success you guys attain will benefit all of us including the ones who don't care enough to speak up.
    Good luck to you. I hope you can make a difference.

  2. "To secure our rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever ANY form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles as deemed equitable and safe."
    -Abraham Lincoln
    (as phraphrased from 1860 inauguration speech quoting the Declaration of Independence)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh make no mistake...Mr. Ed, "WE WILL NOT FAIL IN OUR ENDEAVORS". We will not. I'd like to shake your hand someday when our goals have been successfully accomplished. I don't think you know how many powerful people are gathering in the name of Fair and Open Government. You might be amazed actually.
